360 TSL created few “Green Business and Career Opportunity” so that everyone can participate and join with us as a Green Partner to promote and enhance this Green Movement in Bangladesh.

360 TSL following optionsare available for individual or companyto be our Green Partner: 

  • Option 1: Referral System
  • Option 2: Independent Contractor/Consultancy Service
  • Option 3: Project Consortium

Option 1: Referral System:

Anyone can refer 360 TSL to any Company or Organization (Which we do not have any contact with and they do not work for the same company) for our services will receive a Referral Honorarium. This person can choose the Referral Honorarium option project by project basis.Referral Honorarium Payment Options for Green Building Certification Consultancy Services (PHASE II Activation for Existing Building Category) are as follow:

Honorarium Payment Options 1:

Onetime payment of BDT 50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Taka) regardless of the project size. This amount will be due after 360 TSL received the 1st payment and within 15 days 360 TSL will pay this amount to the person.

Honorarium Payment Options 2:

3% Commission on the total project fee amount will be allocated for Referral Honorarium and payable to the person based on fee proposal payment term and within 15 days 360 TSL will pay this amount to the person as 360 TSL received payment.

Option 2: Independent Contractor/Consultancy Service:

Any Person or Company can market and offer Green Building Certification Consultancy Services to the market place and 360 TSL will do the complete Green Building Facilitation on behalf of that Person or Company. 360 TSL will take the 100% responsibility to provide full Green Building Facilitation of the projects. This person can choose the Honorarium option project by project basis. Honorarium Payment Options for Green Building Certification Consultancy Services (PHASE II Activation for Existing Building Category) are as follow:

Honorarium Payment Options1:

Commission Based: Person or Company can choose to work with 360 TSL based on negotiated commission % of the total project fee amount. These services can be market on the person or company name or 360 TSL name. Agreed commission is payable to the person or company based on fee proposal payment term and within 15 days 360 TSL will pay this amount to the person or company as 360 TSL received payments or Person or Company may collect the amount from projects and pay to 360 TSL according to the contract.

Honorarium Payment Options 2:

Mark-up Based: Person or Company can negotiate a base fee amount with 360 TSL and may market these services at higher price. These differences regardless of the amount will be the income for the person or company. This amount is payable to the person or company based on fee proposal payment term and within 15 days 360 TSL will pay this amount to the person or company as 360 TSL received payments or Company may collect the amount from projects and pay to 360 TSL according to the contract.

Option 3: Project Consortiums:

360 TSL is willing to work with any service and consultancy providing companies under a Consortium Contract. 360 TSL will take the 100% responsibility to provide full Green Building Facilitation of the projects. The Consortium option can be decided project by project basis.Consortium Options for Green Building Certification Consultancy Services (PHASE II Activation for Existing Building Category) are as follow; -

Option 1: 360 TSL as a Project Coordinator: Based on client’s demand and need 360 TSL may create a Consortium to provide deferent consultancy services including Green Building Certification Consultancy Services and act as Project Coordinator of the Consortium. 360 TSL will coordinate all members and deliver all services to client. 360 TSL will collect the fee and pay all the members based on the agreed contract and payment terms.

Option 2: 360 TSL as Member: Based on client’s demand and need any 360 TSL Green Partner (Consultancy Service Providing Company) may create a Consortium to provide deferent consultancy services including Green Building Certification Consultancy Services and act as Project Coordinator of the Consortium and 360 TSL will act as Member of the Consortium. 360 TSL will take the 100% responsibility to provide full Green Building Facilitation of the projects. Green Partner will coordinate all members and deliver all services to client and will collect the fee and pay all the members including 360 TSL based on the agreed contract and terms.

Option 4: Green Officer:

360 TSL is now consulted and consulting 100+ Green Projects and all these projects need a Green Officer to maintain the Green Practices in the projects, continue improve efficiency, conduct orientation of new employees, maintain all logs and data, send information to USGBC etc.

360 TSL proud to announce that, we are organizing a ‘Daylong Green Training Workshop’ to train individuals who would like to start a Green Career and want to work in a Green Factory Project as a Green Officer.

Note: We have many projects that looking for Green Officer and if you are interested please call or email.

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